Choose a Service

Inventory Service

Use the Inventory Service to update rates and availability.

This is the Main Service for the Direct API, and is most likely the Service that you will need to code to.

Content Service

Use the Content service to set information relating to a Hotel. You can edit their addresses, add and delete rooms and rate plans.

Transformation Service

Use the Transformation Service if you have previously coded to the BookEasy Channel Manager API, and want to re-use that code to communicate with the Direct API. This service has an identical interface to some of the messages provided in the Bookeasy API, and transforms your request and response messages into the Direct API Inventory Service Message.

Notification Service

Use the Notification service to send booking related notifications relating to a Hotel. Ie, New Bookings, Cancelled bookings and Modifications.

Group Service

The Group Service allows you to manage your Group record, and add and remove properties to groups that you control.


Development and Testing Advice

We use SoapUI as a tool to test our messages.
This is an excellent tool and greatly reduces the time taken to "test" and develop. Best of all its FREE!
Give it a try.