
Group Service SOAP WSDL


ReadGroup is used to read the latest contents of the group records. You can use this to read a group, alter its values then send that object into the SaveGroup message to have it apply your changes.

ReadGroupResponse ReadGroup(ReadGroupRequest request)


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="" xmlns:ns1="">

Method Parameters

Field Data Type Description


Field Data Type Description
AuthenticationResultAuthenticationGroupResultInternal Only
ChannelManagerUsernameStringChannel Managers Username as supplied when the Channel Manager Agreement was made
ChannelManagerPasswordStringChannel Managers password as supplied when the Channel Manager Agreement was made
GroupIdInt64The Group Id you intend to work with
GroupUsernameStringThe Username for the Group
GroupPasswordStringThe Password for the Group


Internal Only

Field Data Type Description


Field Data Type Description
GroupIdInt64Unique Identifier for the Group, if you are creating a group, specify 0 as the value and it will tell our system to insert a new one.
GroupNameStringUnique Name for the Group
AuthenticationGroupAuthenticationAuthentication details. When Calling SaveGroup, set this to null if you want to make no changes.
PropertyManagementSystemCodeStringPMS Code, use the ContentService StaticData message to find out what choices are available.
SelfHelpEmailListStringWhen issues are found with Channel Processing, we send emails to the following addresses (csv) to suggest solutions that need to be manually implemented by the Property Manager
SharedSeasonsFlagBooleanIf you create a season in one property, the other properties in your group will be able to see those too if this is set to true. Otherwise, each property has its own unique season list.
SendToHomeAwayFlagBooleanSome properties are members of many groups. If you set this flag to true, then it means this group will be used as the master group for sending details to HomeAway and AirBnB.
SourceGroupReferenceIdStringIf you have a unique Identifier on your side for this Property Manager / Group, specify that id here for cross reference.
DefaultResEmailAddressStringSend any Reservation emails to this address for this group
BookeasyVcIdInt64If you group is attached to a 'Visitor Centre' inside bookeasy, specify that id here. This will allow for properties you create to be transferred over to bookeasy and attached to that group also.
PropertiesList of GroupPropertyEach property that is attached to this group. When saving, if you want one removed, simply remove it from the list and save. If you want to make no changes at all to the list of properties, then pass in null. If you supply an empty list (ie not null), then this will remove every property from your group. Its important to get this right, null and empty produce different behaviors.


Authentication details. When Calling SaveGroup, set this to null if you want to make no changes.

Field Data Type Description
UserIdInt64The User Id for the Auth record. If you are creating a new group, set this to 0 so it will create a new authentication record
PasswordStringWhen you query a Group, this will be missing, we don't return the current password. You can set a new password by setting this value and calling the SaveGroup message. If you want to make no change to the credentials, set this to null


Each property that is attached to this group. When saving, if you want one removed, simply remove it from the list and save. If you want to make no changes at all to the list of properties, then pass in null. If you supply an empty list (ie not null), then this will remove every property from your group. Its important to get this right, null and empty produce different behaviors.

Field Data Type Description
IdInt64The HotelId inside Resonline for the property.
NameStringThe Properties Name. When saving, we will set the name to the value that you supply here, so it will overwrite the existing name on the property.
MasterUsernameStringThe Properties Username used to login directly to that property. When adding a property to your group, you have to specify the username / password that you provided when you created the property
MasterPasswordStringThe Properties Password used to login directly to that property. When adding a property to your group, you have to specify the username / password that you provided when you created the property


SaveGroup is used to save the latest contents of the group records. Our advice, Use ReadGroup to get all of the latest information, then call SaveGroup with the results from ReadGroup after you have made your adjustments. SaveGroup is like a merging tool, it will find whats different and apply the changes.

SaveGroupResponse SaveGroup(SaveGroupRequest request)


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:dir="" xmlns:i="">
               <ns:BookeasyVcId i:nil="true"/>
               <ns:GroupName>Test Group for Nerds</ns:GroupName>
                     <ns:Name>Test Property 1</ns:Name>
                     <ns:Name>Test Property 2</ns:Name>


               <ns:PropertyManagementSystemCode>Not Listed</ns:PropertyManagementSystemCode>

To Create a brand new group and attach one property to it
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:dir="" xmlns:i="">
               <ns:BookeasyVcId i:nil="true"/>
               <ns:GroupName>Nerds Test Group</ns:GroupName>
                     <ns:Name>Property name</ns:Name>
               <ns:PropertyManagementSystemCode>Not Listed</ns:PropertyManagementSystemCode>
               <ns:SelfHelpEmailList i:nil="true"/>
               <ns:SourceGroupReferenceId i:nil="true"/>

Method Parameters

Field Data Type Description


Field Data Type Description
GroupResonlineGroupPopulate this object with the details of the group you want to save. Best practice when modifying a group, is to use ReadGroup first, and then pass all of the values received into this object for saving.
AuthenticationResultAuthenticationGroupResultInternal Only
ChannelManagerUsernameStringChannel Managers Username as supplied when the Channel Manager Agreement was made
ChannelManagerPasswordStringChannel Managers password as supplied when the Channel Manager Agreement was made
GroupIdInt64The Group Id you intend to work with
GroupUsernameStringThe Username for the Group
GroupPasswordStringThe Password for the Group


Populate this object with the details of the group you want to save. Best practice when modifying a group, is to use ReadGroup first, and then pass all of the values received into this object for saving.

Field Data Type Description
GroupIdInt64Unique Identifier for the Group, if you are creating a group, specify 0 as the value and it will tell our system to insert a new one.
GroupNameStringUnique Name for the Group
AuthenticationGroupAuthenticationAuthentication details. When Calling SaveGroup, set this to null if you want to make no changes.
PropertyManagementSystemCodeStringPMS Code, use the ContentService StaticData message to find out what choices are available.
SelfHelpEmailListStringWhen issues are found with Channel Processing, we send emails to the following addresses (csv) to suggest solutions that need to be manually implemented by the Property Manager
SharedSeasonsFlagBooleanIf you create a season in one property, the other properties in your group will be able to see those too if this is set to true. Otherwise, each property has its own unique season list.
SendToHomeAwayFlagBooleanSome properties are members of many groups. If you set this flag to true, then it means this group will be used as the master group for sending details to HomeAway and AirBnB.
SourceGroupReferenceIdStringIf you have a unique Identifier on your side for this Property Manager / Group, specify that id here for cross reference.
DefaultResEmailAddressStringSend any Reservation emails to this address for this group
BookeasyVcIdInt64If you group is attached to a 'Visitor Centre' inside bookeasy, specify that id here. This will allow for properties you create to be transferred over to bookeasy and attached to that group also.
PropertiesList of GroupPropertyEach property that is attached to this group. When saving, if you want one removed, simply remove it from the list and save. If you want to make no changes at all to the list of properties, then pass in null. If you supply an empty list (ie not null), then this will remove every property from your group. Its important to get this right, null and empty produce different behaviors.


Authentication details. When Calling SaveGroup, set this to null if you want to make no changes.

Field Data Type Description
UserIdInt64The User Id for the Auth record. If you are creating a new group, set this to 0 so it will create a new authentication record
PasswordStringWhen you query a Group, this will be missing, we don't return the current password. You can set a new password by setting this value and calling the SaveGroup message. If you want to make no change to the credentials, set this to null


Each property that is attached to this group. When saving, if you want one removed, simply remove it from the list and save. If you want to make no changes at all to the list of properties, then pass in null. If you supply an empty list (ie not null), then this will remove every property from your group. Its important to get this right, null and empty produce different behaviors.

Field Data Type Description
IdInt64The HotelId inside Resonline for the property.
NameStringThe Properties Name. When saving, we will set the name to the value that you supply here, so it will overwrite the existing name on the property.
MasterUsernameStringThe Properties Username used to login directly to that property. When adding a property to your group, you have to specify the username / password that you provided when you created the property
MasterPasswordStringThe Properties Password used to login directly to that property. When adding a property to your group, you have to specify the username / password that you provided when you created the property


Internal Only

Field Data Type Description


Field Data Type Description
GroupIdInt64Unique Identifier for the Group, if you are creating a group, specify 0 as the value and it will tell our system to insert a new one.
GroupNameStringUnique Name for the Group
AuthenticationGroupAuthenticationAuthentication details. When Calling SaveGroup, set this to null if you want to make no changes.
PropertyManagementSystemCodeStringPMS Code, use the ContentService StaticData message to find out what choices are available.
SelfHelpEmailListStringWhen issues are found with Channel Processing, we send emails to the following addresses (csv) to suggest solutions that need to be manually implemented by the Property Manager
SharedSeasonsFlagBooleanIf you create a season in one property, the other properties in your group will be able to see those too if this is set to true. Otherwise, each property has its own unique season list.
SendToHomeAwayFlagBooleanSome properties are members of many groups. If you set this flag to true, then it means this group will be used as the master group for sending details to HomeAway and AirBnB.
SourceGroupReferenceIdStringIf you have a unique Identifier on your side for this Property Manager / Group, specify that id here for cross reference.
DefaultResEmailAddressStringSend any Reservation emails to this address for this group
BookeasyVcIdInt64If you group is attached to a 'Visitor Centre' inside bookeasy, specify that id here. This will allow for properties you create to be transferred over to bookeasy and attached to that group also.
PropertiesList of GroupPropertyEach property that is attached to this group. When saving, if you want one removed, simply remove it from the list and save. If you want to make no changes at all to the list of properties, then pass in null. If you supply an empty list (ie not null), then this will remove every property from your group. Its important to get this right, null and empty produce different behaviors.


Authentication details. When Calling SaveGroup, set this to null if you want to make no changes.

Field Data Type Description
UserIdInt64The User Id for the Auth record. If you are creating a new group, set this to 0 so it will create a new authentication record
PasswordStringWhen you query a Group, this will be missing, we don't return the current password. You can set a new password by setting this value and calling the SaveGroup message. If you want to make no change to the credentials, set this to null


Each property that is attached to this group. When saving, if you want one removed, simply remove it from the list and save. If you want to make no changes at all to the list of properties, then pass in null. If you supply an empty list (ie not null), then this will remove every property from your group. Its important to get this right, null and empty produce different behaviors.

Field Data Type Description
IdInt64The HotelId inside Resonline for the property.
NameStringThe Properties Name. When saving, we will set the name to the value that you supply here, so it will overwrite the existing name on the property.
MasterUsernameStringThe Properties Username used to login directly to that property. When adding a property to your group, you have to specify the username / password that you provided when you created the property
MasterPasswordStringThe Properties Password used to login directly to that property. When adding a property to your group, you have to specify the username / password that you provided when you created the property