
Transformation Service SOAP WSDL


Get the Latest Availability for a Rate Plan for the API.

GetAvailabilityResult GetAvailability(String XmlParameters)


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="">
                  <Username><!--insert your username--></Username>
                  <Password><!--insert your password--></Password>

Method Parameters

Field Data Type Description
XmlParametersStringA String containing XML which contains a Book Easy GetAvailabilityRequest Object


A String containing XML which contains a Book Easy GetAvailabilityRequest Object

Field Data Type Description
BookEasyBookEasyA Place holder Field to match the Bookeasy Interface


A Place holder Field to match the Bookeasy Interface

Field Data Type Description
OperatorOperatorThe Operator Object for the Request. Operator translates to Hotel or AP in the API.
OptionsOptionsThe Options for the Request, eg, this contains the StartDate, and EndDate for the date range you require.


The Operator Object for the Request. Operator translates to Hotel or AP in the API.

Field Data Type Description
CredentialsCredentialsThe Credentials object for the Hotel.
RoomsList of RoomThe List of Rooms that you require to be returned.


The Credentials object for the Hotel.

Field Data Type Description
UsernameStringThe Username for the hotel that matches the Username used on the Extranet.
PasswordStringThe Password for the hotel that matches the Password used on the Extranet.


The List of Rooms that you require to be returned.

Field Data Type Description
RoomIDStringSpecify Roamfree's RatePlanID for this field.


The Options for the Request, eg, this contains the StartDate, and EndDate for the date range you require.

Field Data Type Description
StartDateDateTimeThe start Date for the Availability to be returned, (inclusive).
EndDateDateTimeThe End Date for the Availability to be returned, (inclusive).


Field Data Type Description
BookEasyBookEasyThe Bookeasy Field for Interface Matching purposes.


The Bookeasy Field for Interface Matching purposes.

Field Data Type Description
OperatorOperatorThe Operator Object, really just a place holder to match the Bookeasy Interface.


The Operator Object, really just a place holder to match the Bookeasy Interface.

Field Data Type Description
OperatorIDStringThe HotelID or APId. Bookeasy uses the term OperatorID to identify a Hotel.
RoomsList of RoomThe List of Rooms Returned that will contain the Availability requested.


The List of Rooms Returned that will contain the Availability requested.

Field Data Type Description
RoomIDStringThe RoomID (RatePlanID) for the RatePlan that is being returned
AvailabilitiesList of AvailabilityA List of Availability Items that match the Start and End Date(s) that you specified in the Request.


A List of Availability Items that match the Start and End Date(s) that you specified in the Request.

Field Data Type Description
StartDateDateTimeThe Start date of the Availability that was returned. Ie, the list returned only returns objects for rates where they have changed, and uses a date range to group them all together.
EndDateDateTimeThe End date of the Availability that was returned
NumberAvailabileInt32The Qty for this Room that can be sold.


Get the Latest Rates for a Rate Plan

GetRatesResult GetRates(String XmlParameters)


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="">
                  <Username><!--insert your username--></Username>
                  <Password><!--insert your password--></Password>

Method Parameters

Field Data Type Description
XmlParametersStringA String containing XML which contains a Book Easy GetRatesRequest Object


A String containing XML which contains a Book Easy GetRatesRequest Object

Field Data Type Description
BookEasyBookEasyA Placeholder for the Request


A Placeholder for the Request

Field Data Type Description
OperatorOperatorObject to Hold the Operators details. This translates into a Hotel. Bookeasy calls hotels operators.
OptionsOptionsObject to Hold to Options for the Request


Object to Hold the Operators details. This translates into a Hotel. Bookeasy calls hotels operators.

Field Data Type Description
CredentialsCredentialsThe hotels Object which contains the necessary fields to authenticate.
RoomsList of RoomA List of Room Details to filter the Rates Returned


The hotels Object which contains the necessary fields to authenticate.

Field Data Type Description
UsernameStringThe Hotels Username. This is the same as the Username used in the Extranet
PasswordStringThe Hotels Password. This is the same as the Password used in the Extranet


A List of Room Details to filter the Rates Returned

Field Data Type Description
RoomIDStringThe Hotels RoomID that you want to filter. In the api, this translates into the Hotels Rate Plan ID. Bookeasy uses a RoomID to describe this, but the api requires a RatePlanID. So, when doing your mappings, mapp to Our RatePlanID and send that value into this field.


Object to Hold to Options for the Request

Field Data Type Description
StartDateDateTimeInclude rates Starting from and and including the specified Start Date
EndDateDateTimeInclude rates up until and including the specified End Date


Field Data Type Description


Field Data Type Description
OperatorOperatorThe Operator Object which contains the information about the Hotel


The Operator Object which contains the information about the Hotel

Field Data Type Description
OperatorIDStringThe APId or HotelID for Direct API.
RoomsList of RoomA List of Room objects returned from the Request.


A List of Room objects returned from the Request.

Field Data Type Description
RoomIDStringThe Identifer for the Room. in the API, this equates to our RatePlanID.
IsLastMinuteRateAvailableBooleanThis field is not used in the API.
DailyRatesDailyRatesThe Daily Rates Object. Direct API uses Daily rates only, other types in the market place are seasonal rates. Daily rates map more closely to last minute website rate structures, like wotif for eg.


The Daily Rates Object. Direct API uses Daily rates only, other types in the market place are seasonal rates. Daily rates map more closely to last minute website rate structures, like wotif for eg.

Field Data Type Description
NumberOfGuestsIncludedInt32The number of guests that are included in the price(s) given. This is otherwise known as Standard Pax.
RackRateDecimalDirect API does not use this field that often. Somehotels use it, but its best if you don't rely on it being populated.
CostPerExtraAdultDecimalFor every adult that is over and above the NumberOfGuestsIncluded, Add this value to the price that you quote. You should add together the adults first, and then the children. Adults take precendence.
CostPerExtraChildDecimalFor every child that is over and above the NumberOfGuestsIncluded, Add this value to the price that you quote.
RatesList of RateThe List of Rates returned which are grouped together and have one item per similar rate / availability etc...


The List of Rates returned which are grouped together and have one item per similar rate / availability etc...

Field Data Type Description
StartDateDateTimeThe Start date of the Rate that was returned. Ie, the list returned only returns objects for rates where they have changed, and uses a date range to group them all together.
EndDateDateTimeThe End date of the Rate that was returned
NumberOfNightsInt32The Minimum number of nights that the guest must book before they can pay for this rate.
MaximumNightsInt32The Maximum number of nights that can be booked.
AmountDecimalThe Actual Price for this Rate Object.
IsLastMinuteBooleanThis is not not Applicable for Direct API rates, but the field is left here to keep the interface the same as Bookeasy's interface
IsStopSellBooleanIf this field is true, then the date(s) have been marked as 'Do not sell'


Set the Availability for a Rate Plan in the API

SetAvailabilityResult SetAvailability(String XmlParameters)


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="">
                  <Username><!--insert your username--></Username>
                  <Password><!--insert your password--></Password>

Method Parameters

Field Data Type Description
XmlParametersStringA String containing XML which contains a Book Easy SetAvailabilityRequest Object


A String containing XML which contains a Book Easy SetAvailabilityRequest Object

Field Data Type Description
BookEasyBookEasyPlaceholder Field to contain the Request in order to maintain compatibility with the Bookeasy Interface


Placeholder Field to contain the Request in order to maintain compatibility with the Bookeasy Interface

Field Data Type Description
OperatorOperatorPlaceholder object to contain the Operator Portion of the Request in order to maintain compatibility with the Bookeasy Interface


Placeholder object to contain the Operator Portion of the Request in order to maintain compatibility with the Bookeasy Interface

Field Data Type Description
CredentialsCredentialsCredentials object which contains the necessary fields required for Authentication to Direct API
RoomsList of RoomContains a List of Room Objects which are used to filter which rooms will be affected by the Request


Credentials object which contains the necessary fields required for Authentication to Direct API

Field Data Type Description
UsernameStringDirect API Username for the Hotel to have its availability changed
PasswordStringDirect API Password for the Hotel to have its availability changed


Contains a List of Room Objects which are used to filter which rooms will be affected by the Request

Field Data Type Description
RoomIDStringDirect API's RatePlanID to be looked up for the change
AvailabilitiesList of AvailabilityThis Object contains the List of Availaibility Records that will specify what changes will be made for this Room Object.


This Object contains the List of Availaibility Records that will specify what changes will be made for this Room Object.

Field Data Type Description
StartDateDateTimeThe StartDate for the update (inclusive)
EndDateDateTimeThe EndDate for the update (inclusive)
NumberAvailableInt32The Number of Rooms Availability that should be set for the DateRange specified.


Field Data Type Description
BookEasyBookEasyPlaceholder field for compatibility with Bookeasy's interface.


Placeholder field for compatibility with Bookeasy's interface.

Field Data Type Description
SuccessBooleanIf your update was successful, this field will contain True.
ExceptionSetAvailabilityExceptionIf your update was successful, this field will not be present, otherwise it will be populated.


If your update was successful, this field will not be present, otherwise it will be populated.

Field Data Type Description
ErrorGUIDGuidA Unique id to identify the error.
WellKnownExceptionTypeStringThis Field can be coded against, as it will not change over time.
MessageStringUsed to describe the detail of the exception. We would not recommend hard coding filters against this field, as it may change over time as we work out better ways to describe an error.


Set the Rates for a Rate Plan in the api

SetRatesResult SetRates(String XmlParameters)


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="">
                  <Username><!--insert your username--></Username>
                  <Password><!--insert your password--></Password>

Method Parameters

Field Data Type Description
XmlParametersStringA String containing XML which contains a Book Easy SetRatesRequest Object


A String containing XML which contains a Book Easy SetRatesRequest Object

Field Data Type Description
BookEasyBookEasyPlaceholder Field to contain the Request in order to maintain compatibility with the Bookeasy Interface


Placeholder Field to contain the Request in order to maintain compatibility with the Bookeasy Interface

Field Data Type Description
OperatorOperatorPlaceholder object to contain the Operator Portion of the Request in order to maintain compatibility with the Bookeasy Interface


Placeholder object to contain the Operator Portion of the Request in order to maintain compatibility with the Bookeasy Interface

Field Data Type Description
CredentialsCredentialsCredentials object which contains the necessary fields required for Authentication to Direct API
RoomsList of RoomContains a List of Room Objects which are used to filter which rooms will be affected by the Request


Credentials object which contains the necessary fields required for Authentication to Direct API

Field Data Type Description
UsernameStringDirect API Username for the Hotel to have its rates changed
PasswordStringDirect API Password for the Hotel to have its rates changed


Contains a List of Room Objects which are used to filter which rooms will be affected by the Request

Field Data Type Description
RoomIDStringDirect API's RatePlanID to be looked up for the change
IsLastMinuteRateAvailableBooleanNot applicable for Direct API, but kept in the message to maintain compatibility with Bookeasy's interface.
DailyRatesDailyRatesThis Object contains the Actual changes that will be made for this Room Object.


This Object contains the Actual changes that will be made for this Room Object.

Field Data Type Description
NumberOfGuestsIncludedInt32The Number of guests that are included in the price being sent. This is also known as Standard PAX
CostPerExtraAdultDecimalFor every extra Adult that is over and above the NumberOfGuestsIncluded, this value should be added to the price.
CostPerExtraChildDecimalFor ever Child that is over and above the NumberOfGuestsIncluded, this value should be added to the price.
RatesList of RateA List of Rate objects to be applied to the update.


A List of Rate objects to be applied to the update.

Field Data Type Description
StartDateDateTimeThe StartDate for the update (inclusive)
EndDateDateTimeThe EndDate for the update (inclusive)
NumberOfNightsInt32Minimum number of nights that the guest must book before they can book a room for this rate.
MaximumNightsInt32Maximum number of nights that can be booked.
AmountDecimalThe Actual Rate to be applied
IsLastMinuteBooleanNot required for Direct API
IsStopSellBooleanIf set to True, this means 'Do not sell this room'. Ie, make it Sold or Unavailable.


Field Data Type Description
BookEasyBookEasyPlaceholder field for compatibility with Bookeasy's interface.


Placeholder field for compatibility with Bookeasy's interface.

Field Data Type Description
SuccessBooleanIf your update was successful, this field will contain True.
ExceptionSetRatesExceptionIf your update was successful, this field will not be present, otherwise it will be populated.


If your update was successful, this field will not be present, otherwise it will be populated.

Field Data Type Description
ErrorGUIDGuidA Unique id to identify the error.
WellKnownExceptionTypeStringThis Field can be coded against, as it will not change over time.
MessageStringUsed to describe the detail of the exception. We would not recommend hard coding filters against this field, as it may change over time as we work out better ways to describe an error.